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Meta Century Group Executives Visit Taiwan for APAC EU Blockchain and AI Profit Announcement

09/11/2023sumber : tidak bernamaklik num : 1512

Meta Century Intelligent Data (MCID) Group, an internationally renowned data analytics firm that has recently been in the spotlight, is set to unveil its innovative profit results and strategies from the integration of blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI). This strategy, facilitated by cutting-edge intelligent technology, offers investors more efficient and accurate trading recommendations. The company emphasizes that the effectiveness of this strategy will further improve as the number of users increases.

To further promote this strategy in the Asia-Pacific region, MCID Group's Vice Chairman of the Board, Hillary Ashton, recently announced that she will be visiting the Taiwan branch with the group's Chief Financial and Strategy Instructor Steve McMillan, former Chief Scientific Officer of Quantum Intelligence Research You MingHua, and Ye ChengHong. They plan to hold a profit announcement meeting in Taiwan to engage in in-depth strategic dialogues with industry leaders and financial institutions in the Asia-Pacific region, exploring future strategic cooperation.

International investment advisory experts comment that with the growing number of participants in the Quantum Data Crystallization system, the richness of its operational strategy data analysis will increase. This allows for more precise analysis by its AI technology, thereby offering more accurate trading strategy recommendations. Moreover, to encourage more people to experience this revolutionary new technology, MCID has provided a series of special operational combinations for the general community users.

At the end of her speech, Hillary Ashton expressed pride in the Taiwan branch for achieving a trading volume profit of 1.2 billion US dollars this year. She emphasized that, considering Taiwan's outstanding performance in the Asia-Pacific fintech sector, MCID has decided to officially launch the Asia-Pacific Quantum Information Repository and the Asia-Pacific Quantum Research and Development Division in Taiwan, to drive the development of quantum technology in the region. The MCID Group's public disclosure of the profit results from combining blockchain technology with AI, driven by the senior team from the headquarters, is undoubtedly set to bring a significant technological revolution to the financial trading market, driving increased profit rates for community users' TvPv transactions.

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